I've been UNDERwealmed by responses to : Wanted : PCMCIA USB2 card............
(too old to reply)
21 years ago
I've been UNDERwealmed by responses to : Wanted : PCMCIA USB2
card............in fact I've received "SOD ALL" responses....... not
that I'm too surprised... I don't suppose that there are many people
using a PCMCIA - USB2 card..... and even LESS who actually bother to
read the "HK.FORSALE" newsgroup.

It appears to me that few people bother to post items here - except
the wankers who expect the readers to go to another site to see what
they are offering. {Something that I refuse to do - they get
"Blacklisted" and filtered out so that their messages never appear
before me - as do others who post in Chinese only...... pointless for
me to display their messages as my "Agent" Newsreader only handles
English/European Languages - NOT the double-byte stuff}.

This - once thriving buy/sell newsgroup is as good as dead - just like
the once busy Buy/Sell echoes provided by the long defunct [dead]
Bulletin Board Systems in Hong Kong.

Anthony Green in Pok Fu Lam.
21 years ago
Yes, I agree with you entirely, and it wasn't too long ago that I actually
bought and sold things here. Shame really. It's sodding quicker than doing
the bidding crap on Yahoo auctions or (even worse) eBay.

Robert Lee in Central
Posted via news://freenews.netfront.net
Complaints to ***@netfront.net
